I’m a university graduate!

I am officially a University of North Florida graduate now; just waiting on my B.A. in English literature (minor in History) to arrive in the mail. But I did, I graduated. Now to look for a job to help me save up for law school next year.

In the mean time, I’m catching up on all the books that I’ve been wanting to read (mainly series). Though I have read 3 books in their entirety already, I’m holding off on writing a review of them until I’m through with the series (Unraveling #1, Undone #1.5, and Clockwork Angel #1). You can check out my reviews of each book separately on my goodreads: http://dft.ba/-5DrM and when I’ve finished each of the series in their entirety I’ll write up reviews for them. Right now I’m reading Every Day by David Levithan so I am reading stand-alone novels, too. I just have a lot of genre fiction series I want to read as well.

I guess that’s all I have to update on. Keep an eye on updates for those reviews and until next time. 😉